On 05/02/2013 06:06 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Should I learn to install and to use the "macports" (as I did with MySQL and PHP), or there exist some easy way to way to say to mediawiki, that I want it to allow loading files also in the PDF format?
MediaWiki is server software and, as such, there are certain prerequisites for installing the software. Since MediaWiki can be installed on many different platforms -- OS X, Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc -- we do not have the resources to provide an automated installer for a bare-metal installation for each of them.
That is to say: yes, you should learn how to install and use MacPorts, MySQL, PHP, etc if you wish to maintain your installation of MediaWiki yourself. The usefulness of skills is not limited to MediaWiki, though.
If you do not have time to learn these skills, you should consider using your IT department or finding a contractor to do the work for you.
Did you test the extension with MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 ?
I did not. The extension has worked with older versions of MediaWiki and so 1.21.0rc1 (where "rc" stands for "release candidate") is provided so that people can discover problems with it.
Did you have to learn macport in order to do this?
I use Linux as my MediaWiki server platform, so MacPorts (a solution for OS X) would be useless to me. There should be someone else on the mediawiki-l mailing list who has experience installing MediaWiki on OS X who could help you with MacPorts.