Dear Mark. I've tested the PHP and the MySQL; both seem to work; and I loaded the mediawiki 1.21.
Files loaded seem to be the same as offered at Is it so?
I begin with reading the description, id est, files REARME* and INSTALL . The place to put these fiels is difficult to guess. No simple algorithm to choose this place is presented. The descriptions at cited suggest sevral screens of speculations about, but it is difficult to apply them practically.
The simple recommendation should be placed at the top, indicating, where should the beginner put the files in order to get workable (and preferably, robust and stable) wiki-site.
Also, consider to specify the requirements mentioned at file INSTALL at the preamble of the articles in Mediawiki. You could provide some tests, how the beginner can guess, does he/she have the PHP and/or MySQL or not. The test should not force the user to learn PHP and MySQL in order to understand, do they run well or not.
Tomorrow I hope to run the mediawiki 1.21; then I'll type more.
On Sun, 31 Mar 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
I've just finished preparing the first release candidate for MediaWiki 1.21 and I'd like your help testing it before the final release.
Please download the release candidate and test it. If you find any bugs please report them on Bugzilla[1] and make sure I am added as a CC so that we can fix any show-stoppers before the final release.
Finally, if you could also look over, I'll be using an edited version of that to make the final announcement. If you spot problems or areas that could use clarification, your help in improving it would be appreciated.
Full release notes:
Patch to previous version (1.20.0), without interface text: Interface text changes:
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