on Wikipedia, talk pages sections are archived by various
bots run by various people on various hosts. Usually, they
use a template that adds a category to the talk page, then
periodically parse the template to get their parameters
(where to archive, how old must a section be, etc.), parse
the whole page with various forms of user signatures to de-
termine for each section the last modification and then
"move" that section to the archive page (if it fits the pa-
I think a preferable way would be an extension that adds a
tag (or something similar) that marks the page as archivable
and puts the parameters in page_props, perhaps adds a func-
tion to a save hook to check if a section has been modified
and manage a list of last modifications of sections in
page_props based on that, and then, as a cron job/job queue
something, iterate over all archivable pages and "move" sec-
tions to be archived to their archive pages.
Bots performing the last part sometimes run into the problem
that the page contents of either the page to be archived or
the archive page is changed at the same moment the bot is
moving sections around, and they (hopefully all of them) im-
plement rollback mechanisms (which on the other hand will
never succeed in /all/ cases).
Is it possible for a MediaWiki maintenance script/job queue
task to edit two pages in a (database-/MediaWiki-level)
transaction or temporarily lock a page from being edited by
another process (short of protecting and unprotecting a
page)? Is there a code sniplet/extension that already uses
such a pattern?