Michael Darling <darlingm(a)gmail.com> writes:
>I want to have a topic page "FAA Licenses" like:
>==Medical Certificates==
>===3rd Class===
>Required for student license, and before student solo flights.
>{{{link/reference/whatever generally around here to Jeppesen Book#pg27-28}}}
>And a source page "Jeppesen Book" like:
>{{{link to FAA Licenses#3rd Class}}}
Hi Michael,
I believe this particular implementation will be unreliable. Section anchors are quite fragile. All it will take is for someone to change this:
===3rd Class===
to this:
===Third Class===
and your automatic links (anchors) will break. Likewise, if you have two identical section headings on a page, you won't be able to link to the second one: anchors will always jump to the first one.
Instead of this particular implementation, I recommend going back to your basic business needs. At first glance, it looks like you want readers to be able to jump back and forth easily between prose and reference material, and you want to track which docs still need to be written. But even that is a particular implementation. Who is your audience? What tasks are they trying to do (which your wiki is supposed to help with)? Tell us those basic requirements, instead of prescribing a solution, and see what people can come up with.
My two cents,