May I suggest that we share what Wiki we each are working on? Include a
link if your Wiki is public, and include a description, especially if
your Wiki is private. I'll go first:
Peter Blaise's Wiki: Our (US Trademark Office) challenge is how to
publish laws and rules (which are now in HTML, PDF, and DOC on the web),
AND seek community critiques and suggestions that are shared with each
other in full view (Wiki, right?), BUT leave the "statute as it is now"
intact as an uneditable master reference above all suggested
replacements. We want more than discussions on the separate
"discussion" page. We want people to actually rewrite the laws and
rules as they would prefer it, and then edit each other's preference on
how they want the statute to read, word for word. Supporting
discussions are important and informative, but we've noted that
word-for-word replacement suggestions quickly get lost in discussion
pages. We want the community-suggested exact replacements, even a
series of alternative exact replacements - version B, version C, and so
on - right there on the article page below the current statute in force.
I think this idea has great potential for opening up the law world wide,
but off-the-shelf MediaWiki is a tad immature. Wish me luck. Ideas?
So, what's everyone else working on? Can we see?
- Peter Blaise