Hello, basically I would like to know if I can modify editpage.php to
show multiples types of edit and "link" them. I mean, my wiki would
present a first page where you select an archive (the button brings to
second page), a second page where you select a msgid/msgstr of the
presented (the button brings to third page),and the third page where
you edit the message. All three are "action=edit" pages,and i modified
index.php to enter as action=edit.
But some problems I encounter (the fact it's that I don't know if that
multiple edit is possible, however; apart, note I read/save to php
level, no using DB for the contents):
- I modify the editpage.php using things "if currentpage==1 do this,
else if ==2...". The idea is when submit in the first page, go to the
second...but it doesn't seem to capture tthe $intpo: that is, when I
submit, now it backs to actual screen (doesn't show previewnote
because I change manually beginning the editform...)
(in function editform)
global $currentscreen;
global $intpo;
if (!($intpo==true)){
if ( 'preview' == $formtype ) { #do this because else it goes to
preview when I submit
$formtype = 'initial';
if ($currentscreen==1) {
if ($intpo){
else {
$wgOut->addHTML( "<form id=\"intpoform\" name=\"intpoform\"
method=\"post\" action=\"$action\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">");
$introducepo="Introduce .po file: <input tabindex='3' type='text'
value=\"$filepo\" name=\"$fileintroduced\" maxlength='50' size='30'
/><br />";
$wgOut->addHTML( "$introducepo
<input tabindex='5' id='intpo' type='submit' value=\"Edite file\"
name=\"$intpo\" accesskey=\"I\" title=\"Edite file\"/>");
$wgOut->addHTML( "</form>\n" );
Basically, I would be glad If i know it's possible,all this "multiple
edit" stuff. If besides you know why the form doesn't pass the
intpo=true and so automatically go to next page, better, because at
these moments I see all wrong :(
Lot of thanks
Text of other prior messages maybe useful....
- the first in which you can load a file (.po) from your computer,
- the second in which you see some messages of the .po and you can try
the one which you want
- and the third, the one that I have already developed:default
action=edit, you can modify/introduce your translation.
As i say, the three pages of my web application should be more or less
editable...so, I forget special pages, and modify my editpage.php to
use code depending of the screen/page showing. I created a variable
inicializated to 1, and presents what i would like in my first page; I
change manually to 3, and presents what I had done as editpage, and
If i control the variable dinamically (initializated to 1 and
incrementing when pressing the button that goes to next page), would
this be a good (although maybe a bit "dirty") solution?