> What exactly did you do to upgrade?
> Can you provide the output from the installer?
I uploaded via FTP to the server and ran the install program. After
running it, this is the text I get with my notes in [brackets]:
• Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit in safe mode in
/home/virtual/site7/fst/var/www/html/wiki/install-utils.inc on line 26
• PHP 4.3.3: ok
• Warning: PHP's register_globals option is enabled. [actually, it
has been disabled, but continues to report this] MediaWiki will work
correctly, but this setting increases your exposure to potential
security vulnerabilities in PHP-based software running on your server.
You should disable it if you are able.
• Warning: PHP's safe mode is active! [actually, it's off, but
continues to report this] You will likely have problems caused by this.
You may need to make the 'images' subdirectory writable or specify a
TMP environment variable pointing to a writable temporary directory
owned by you, since safe mode breaks the system temporary directory.
• PHP server API is apache; ok, using pretty URLs
• Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.
• PHP's memory_limit is 8M. If this is too low, installation may
fail! Attempting to raise limit to 20M... failed.
• Have zlib support; enabling output compression.
• Found GD graphics library built-in, image thumbnailing will be
enabled if you enable uploads.
• Installation directory: /home/virtual/site7/fst/var/www/html/wiki
• Script URI path: /wiki
• Warning: $wgProxyKey is insecure
Note that you CANNOT just copy the old LocalSettings.php from 1.2.
I didn't copy the file. I simply filled in the new LocalSettings.php by
hand...the installer doesn't create a new LocalSettings.php when I run