On Tue, 21 May 2013 04:36:52 -0700, Jason Lewis jason.lewis1991@gmail.com wrote:
- The url in $wgExtensionCredits should really just be a url. It's not a
link, it's used as a url when turning the 'name' of the extension/skin into a link on Special:Version. So your Special:Version looks a little broken now http://wiki.laravel.io/Special:Version
Thanks for the heads up. I don't know why I made it a link like that either, I swear I saw that mentioned somewhere. It's on the list to change.
My guess is that you and a few other people got confused by my pattern of using `[...]` as "A placeholder to replace with relevant data. Instead thinking that the `...` alone was a placeholder and the []'s we're either required or indicated it was a wikilink.
I swapped that out for just `...` inside that specific field on the wiki page.