On 12/04/2010 12:39 AM, Platonides wrote: [snip]
Is there any practical way of blocking new users from using specific services like Mailinator? Is there a better way of dealing with situations like this?
$wgHooks['AbortNewAccount'][] = 'noMailinator';
function noMailinator( $user,&$message ) { if( !preg_match( '/@(mailinator|binkmail).com$/', $user->getEmail() ) { $message = 'No mailinator emails, please'; return false; } return true; }
Another option would be the isValidEmailAddr hook.
Sorry for the late reply. I've just had a chance to look at this again - prompted by yet another spammer using mailinator to authenticate their account.
I took a quick look at the $wgHooks docs here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks and http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/AbortNewAccount
Seems straight forward, so I added the code (with and without the & in front of the $message variable) to my LocalSettings.php... and it didn't work so well. According to my error log it had a "PHP Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '{'" at the end of the first line of the if statement. Funny thing is... I don't see a syntax error there though (granted I'm not a php guru... still learning, so I might be missing something).
I tried a few variations on the function code (including the suggestion from OQ) with the same results.... an unexpected '{'.
So at this point I'm a little puzzled... any suggestions on where the problem is?