I think the guy looks like the guy from Schindler's List, the actor Liam Neeson, who also was in Europe at least once, for sure (when he was making the film). http://www.stern.de/politik/ausland/wikileaks-mitbegruender-julian-assange-d...
I mean, look at the guy, he looks just like Liam Neeson. http://www.stern.de/panorama/nach-wikileaks-enthuellungen-jagd-auf-julian-in...
Don't know how the raping is compined with his pacifistic activities and character, but Liam is a man, right.
Please forward this message to all people who think that somebody who looks like a guy who looks like the guy who looks like Liam Neeson could also be a rapist.
Madge Gill Bukasa
THE GLOBAL PLAYER (ehemals Die Bunte Zeitung) Rotenlöwengasse 12/1 1090 Wien Tel: 01-9611029 E-Mail: madge.bukasa@diebunte.at http://www.diebunte.at http://www.buntezeitung.at