I originally posted the following on www.mwusers.com and couldn't get a solution. Can I please get some assistance?
I am trying to embed the following into a mediawiki page, and it works in the preview but not when saved. It keeps saying "Screen Creation Failed. File May Be Corrupted." The RawHTML setting is properly set to 'true' in LocalSettings.php. Obviously the filename and location are okay if mediawiki can render it in preview, but something is off if it can't do it after clicking Save Page. This, btw, is an embedded object using Right Hemisphere Deep View (3D image viewer), which is properly installed on my computer. Any ideas?
<BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <H2 align="center"></H2> <P align="center">
<OBJECT ID="Right Hemisphere_obj" TYPE="application/x-oleobject" CLASSID="CLSID:1110E0D7-D33E-438C-88A4-1FA6A88F9A6B" CODEBASE=" http://www.deep3d.com/downloads/products/deepview/install/deep.cab#version=3,5,7,1131 " width="100%" height="100%"> <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="images/b/b2/XYZ.rh"> <PARAM NAME="LicFile" VALUE="/license.rhl"> <PARAM NAME="RenderMode" VALUE="8"> <PARAM NAME="AnimationMode" Value="2"> <PARAM NAME="ShowTextures" VALUE="1"> <PARAM NAME="RenderAPI" VALUE="1"> <PARAM NAME="SelectedMode" VALUE="2441"> <PARAM NAME="ShowGUIShowToolbar" VALUE="0"> <PARAM NAME="ShowHiddenGeometry" VALUE="0"> <embed src="images/b/b2/XYZ.rh" quality=high pluginspage=" http://www.deep3d.com/downloads/products/deepview/install/deep.cab#version=3,5,7,1131" type="application/x-oleobject" height="100%" width="100%"></embed> </OBJECT> </P> </BODY> </HTML>