Hi, it is really amazing! I managed to duplicate my "ekompute" wiki database, just in case the original gets corrupted. I named the new database "teknologi".
I then installed Mediawiki Version 1.14. When I set up the wiki by rerunning the installer, everything looks find. However, the pages are empty so I thought I could correct it by replace the new docs and images folders with the old one. (I replaced the images folder once in my previous attempt and the images appear. But now it suddenly doesn't).
Seems like everyone is having no problems with upgrading. I wonder why I am so damp!
PM Poon
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Ekompute .info ekompute@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I finally managed to upgrade my database from Version 1.12 to 1.14. Everything seems to be okay except that the website doesn't show any articles. I know I have to transfer the images folder over. What else do I need to do? Do I need to transfer the docs folder too? My website is at http://teknologi-maklumat.com/teknologi/index.php/Main_Page
It really looks like a new installation!
PM Poon