Hi all,
I created a new wiki skin based loosely on MonoBook coding. I add two new sidebars (one left and one right bar) and original sidebar is now a topbar. New sidebars are used like original sidebar, so I created MediaWiki:leftbar and MediaWiki:rightbar page and I modified: * includes/Skin.php adding two functions like function buildSidebar() * includes/SkinTemplate.php adding two line after $tpl->set( 'sidebar', $this->buildSidebar() ); one for each new sidebar * includes/Wiki.php modifing 'case NS_CATEGORY' so that CategoryPage sections are available only $wgUser->isLoggedIn()
I would like to release this skin. That is why I ask you if these changing are doable modifing only MonoBook coding or using extensions.
Can you help about it? Best,