I haven't play a lot with WYSIWYG editors, but I doubt it can do all things people like to do on word. In my neighboor, at work, I have plenty of people using word/excel every day. - can you insert image with copy/paste without uploading them ? - can you draw some arrows, frames... ? - can you insert a table which is an Excel file ? (in Word you can insert an Excel sheet, that's buggy, heavy file... but they all do that) - table not from excel : easy to resize, insert/delete lines, change background color or style for one line/one column... is it possible in WYSIWYG ? - they like the "tab" key to indent the first line of each paragraph, in WYSIWYG does it indent text? or go to next field as in all normal html forms ? - they heavily uses styles for titles, lists (like <ol>,<ul>...) but with WYSIWYG, you'll never have problem with normal.dot !! yeah! I think it's better to use a software which has features you need. My 2 cents.