Say fellas, how can I be logged in forever? I.e., no more "it's that time of the month again" when one's cookies expire.
Let's see, I've rigged up this Makefile to make all my browser cookies expire in 2037 that I run every day before poweroff. w3m_emacs_cookies_forever:.cookie perl -i.bak -pwle \ 's/("\w{3}, \d\d-[A-Z][a-z]{2}-20)[012]\d( \d\d:\d\d:\d\d GMT")/$(\ )$${1}37$$2/' $?
But is that enough to fool the run of the mill MediaWiki wiki, or must I do something more devious?
Now turning to Wikipedia and its unified login to several projects. Do I need something fancier yet?
What about making cookie expiry length a Preference, instead of "mother knows best"?