Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to set up different groups. I work in a library in a University. We would like to set up different groups of pages : first group of pages being the main wiki for everyone to come by, the second group would be some kind of intranet wiki for a group of people being the staff of the library, the third group would be some students who follow research classes, and they would have to work on the wiki (group works,...).
So I'm looking into the namespaces, and it looks like it can be my thing. I've set up a group for the students (the most hurried group..), then created a namespace for them. So far, it works.
Now, I'm having some permission issues. With the namespace I created, I set up authorisations as follow : $wgGroupPermissions['students']['edit'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['students']['editnamespaces'] = true;
If I do leave it that way, the students don't have authorisations to edit namespace pages. I have to set the 'main' edit authorisations to true for it to work, but then, then can edit any pages, which is not our goal.
I am going a wrong road with the namespaces? And if not, where do I have to look into for the right authorisations (they can only edit in the namespaces for the students)?
Thanks !