I've been trying to figure out how to include one article into another for some time but can't seem to find out how. What I'm trying to do is create several articles that are included in another article. The idea is that changing Article 1 or Article 2 below would automatically change Article 3 and Article 4 below. Sorry for the longwinded explanation...
Thanks, Justin
Article 1 ---- * A * B * C
Article 2 ---- *1 *2 *3
Article 3 (sudo-markup) ---- <include Article 1> <include Article 2>
Article 3 (view) ---- * A * B * C *1 *2 *3
Article 4 (sudo-markup) ---- <include Article 2> <include Article 1>
Article 4 (view) ---- *1 *2 *3 * A * B * C