it#s not my intention to razz, but over hours I couldn't get a solution. I need to display in a page the wikieditor to insert a new article and then to save this to the wikisystem.
So i fetched some code of the editpage.php and tried to use this. But the great problem is, that under the toolbarbuttons a large list buttons are displayed. A great part of them are not definied.
O.K. a example
--------------------------------- Tollbar as bold|italic and so on ---------------------------------- undefiniedundefiniedundefiniedundefiniedundefiniedundefiniedundefiniedundefinied //verlong and the are displayed when I insert the textareas id
I have no idea, whats going on.
Perhaps there is a much easier way to display this editor within its buttons. Accordingly, I don't really know which parts ofeditPage.php are really important to display the editor and save a new article.
Perhaps someone could put some light on my personal darkness
regards mic