Can I assume there are tags for just about everything on that page?
Pretty much - although they're not tags, but rather IDs and/or classes. For example: <div id="foo" class="bar">...</div> This would be selected/accessed like so (either is possible here): #foo { ... } .bar { ... }
How about the other decorations, like 'From {SiteName}' and the page markers and link to page in wiki?
I believe the "From {SiteName}" is "#siteSub". The other one might be ".printfooter". Just look at the HTML source, search for the text you want to hide and find the respective ID or class of the surrounding element.
if I cut and paste from the Printable Version page, I still get the [Edit] links. Any way to get them out of there?
Not without hacking the respective PHP file(s).
-- F.