This page is still not rendering correctly on Wikipedia. I ran some experiments and have ruled out a syntax error in the article source. It is either a bug in mediawiki or a resource limit on article rendering.
It isn't article size because on Special:Longpages it is in position
The page source isn't massive -- but with all those templates, the parsed version of the page would be huge (700k or so). I'm guessing you're right, that you're hitting some kind of limit.
Check the "view source" for that Wikipedia page, and you'll see this comment near the end...
<!-- Pre-expand include size: 292580 bytes Post-expand include size: 119256 bytes Template argument size: 20186 bytes Maximum: 2048000 bytes -->
Parser.php adds this if the template expansion goes over a certain size. So it may be a limit in the parser.
I have to say, I think your basic problem is that the page is just too darned big and complex. From a Wikipedia point of view, it looks a lot like original research, which doesn't belong in Wikipedia, but in some other site which [[Prolog]] can refer to. (See
From a technical point of view, yes, MediaWiki should be able to handle
this... check out Parser.php, see if there's a limit that can be tweaked. (I couldn't see one on a quick scan.)