Wow, this is interesting:
I'm trying to import a file containing the following single page. Toward the end, one line ends with ppp. The import generates a PHP stack overflow error. If I remove -one- p from that line (or a single character from the template's vfxNotes value), everything works just fine.
Interestingly, if I change the {{ and }} signs of the TRB_shotData template to a spurious character, i.e. cc and cc, the template is broken obviously, but the imports works again just fine.
Has anybody had this problem before?
<page> <title>TRB_117_01/fmpShotData</title> <revision> <timestamp/> <contributor> <username>TRB_fmp2mw_converter_v01</username> </contributor> <comment>Last updated by: rachael_p</comment> <text xml:space="preserve"><noinclude>{{DataPageWarning}}</noinclude>{{TRB_shotData |shotId=TRB_117_01 |facility=Chennai |page= |sequence=08 |firstFrame=1 |lastFrame=38 |headHandle=4 |tailHandle=4 |storyboardAction= |breakdownNotes=set top up and extension as per 114_04. animate and comp bs flare falling. comp explosion element. retime, animate and comp separate gate element being blown out of shot. animate and comp bs ferrets being blown away. split screen and roto to extend jeep movement in tunnel |vfxNotes=jeep in tunnnel movement needs extending as the element doesn't start out of shot: comp frame 22 -25 = reposition and resize of source fr40. comp frame 26-38 = source frame 37-1 (running at -76.14fps!) tunnel gate element.: comp fr 1-20 = frz source fr1. comp fr 21-38 = source fr3-54 (running at 75fps )
explosion element. no handles on head - lineup to ppp }}<noinclude>{{InfoOriginFMP}}</noinclude></text></revision> </page>