Emanuele D'Arrigo wrote:
I'm trying to import a file of approx 1 Megabyte (1014 KB to be precise) but the import stops around 20% of the way and returns a blank page. I've been able to exclude a few things:
- this isn't a problem with the import: it works with other (smaller) files.
- it isn't a problem with PHP limits: they are set to 2 MB
- it isn't a problem with the hidden input field, also set to 2MB
- it isn't a problem with the content of the file: the import stops at
around 20% of the way, but not on the same page every time.
Am I missing something? Could it be a webserver timeout? Could it be a MySQL timeout?
Thanks for your help.
A php timeout? http://www.php.net/set_time_limit
For importing files, it's better to use a command line script (which will also be faster).