Ryan Lane wrote:
Why are you setting this stuff after you create the user (form->initUser)? And why aren't you doing it through the authentication plugin's initUser() function? Normally all of this stuff is set before the user is created.
I tried filling the request variables and calling the form-post because the initUser() did not appear to set the values. They still do not. Perhaps I am missing some necessary code in that block? (See below.)
I agree with you. I should change from a static universal password to a pseudo-random or blank password. First, though, I should get the auto-create function to work.
J Wolfgang Goerlich
function initUser(&$user) { // Current user, email domain, and universal password
global $_SERVER; $cu = get_current_user(); $domain = "munder.com"; $pass = "1Some2Secret3Password4";
// Populate information for this user
$user->setEmail($cu . "@" . $domain); $user->setRealName( $cu ); $wgUser->setPassword=$pass;
$user->mEmailAuthenticated = wfTimestampNow(); $user->setToken();
// Disable e-mail notifications by default $user->setOption('enotifwatchlistpages', 0); $user->setOption('enotifusertalkpages', 0); $user->setOption('enotifminoredits', 0); $user->setOption('enotifrevealaddr', 0); }