I want to remove a bunch of links from the various menus, because I don't think my wiki will need them for a long time if ever. It's kind of confusing what the best way to go about this is, though.
For example I don't want a 'donations'/'site support' link. There's MediaWiki:Sidebar, as well as MediaWiki:sitesupport-url and MediaWiki:sitesupport. So I could make the latter two blank, or just remove the line ** sitesupport-url|sitesupport from MediaWiki:Sidebar. (Actually I guess I have to remove the line, otherwise the bullet will still show up...)
and I don't want a link to the privacy policy and Disclaimer on every page. I want to change the warning under the edit box.
Basically I want to know how to match elements that appear regularly, that are obviously in the MediaWiki namespace, to the things they're actually in, and what is the best way to customise all this, keeping in mind the desire to make the changes stick after future upgrades.
Thanks, Brianna