Basically the question I have is standard, but having read the doc I still have some questions.
I have a running mediawiki server on SUSE Linux 9.0 and want to setup a new SUSE Linux 10.0 server (on the same machine)
the old server runs mysql 12.21-4.0.15 (I don't really understand why there are so many numers), php 4.3.3 and mediawiki 1.5.8
the new one runs mysql 14.7-4.1.13, & php 4.4 & hopefully mediawiki 1.6.3
the first try failed with a wikiuser passwd problem. but it was made quite roughly, as a test, so no more on this.
for the good proceding, may I install all the new things and try to import the backed-up database, or may I first import the backup to a mediawiki 1.5.8 install and upgrade mediawiki afterward?
thanks jdd