I'm having trouble moving a wiki from mediawiki 1.3.11 and mysql 4.1.10a to mediawiki 1.5.8 and mysql 4.0.25 and I was hopping someone could help me figure out what I am doing wrong.
On the original server I ran the following command to get my data out of the database:
#mysqldump --compatible=mysql40 wikidb > dump.sql
On the new server I ran these commands to import the data and update it:
#mysql wikidb < dump.sql #php update.php
Attached is the output of the update.php command, which looks fine to me. However, when I go to the wiki I don't see my pages. I can find my data in tables like "cur" so I feel pretty good that the data is in the database.
Any ideas on where I can go from here?
Thanks in advance.