I noticed that the 'othercontribs' info isn't showing up in v1.4.0. In v1.3.11, setting,
$wgMaxCredits = 2; $wgShowCreditsIfMax = false;
in LocalSettings.php would produce a message like,
"This page was last modified <time>, <date> by <site> user <user_name>. Based on work by others."
where 'others' is a link to the Credits page for that page. And, all of the contributors would be listed on the Credits page.
In v1.4.0, the "Based on work by others." text doesn't show up, nor does the Credits page list any contributors other than the last. I've also tried other settings for $wgMaxCredits, like -1, but none of these seem to cause any variation in behavior.
Is this a known issue? If so, is there a known fix or workaround to get this working again?
John Blumel