we have activated ImageMagick (with /usr/bin/convert) and have problems with png-thumbs at the following site:
The images work well, but not their thumbs. What can be the matter?
This is the error message we get:
Warning: shell_exec,popen,escapeshellcmd,proc_open,proc_nice() has been disabled for security reasons in /www/htdocs/db/wiki/includes/Image.php on line 179
Warning: stat() [function.stat http://www.php.net/function.stat]: Stat failed for /www/htdocs/db/wiki/images/thumb/e/e7/180px-Test6.png (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /www/htdocs/db/wiki/includes/Image.php on line 246
Warning: unlink(/www/htdocs/db/wiki/images/thumb/e/e7/180px-Test6.png) [function.unlink http://www.php.net/function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/db/wiki/includes/Image.php on line 249
Please can you help us?
Thank you!