I have a wiki running on Suse 9.2. the pages are working fine. but I am not able to upload any images or files to my server ... it always gives me this error.
The file you uploaded seems to be empty. This might be due to a typo in the file name. Please check whether you really want to upload this file.
although the files i am trying to upload a jpeg images of 100 kb etc.
can any one hint at what the error could be, any suggestions plz.
If it's a new wiki, you have to allow uploads in LocaSettings.php... there is a variable that you need to change from false to true (or aother way round)
Then you have eventually to add the extension of your file to the list of allowed upload (only if it is an exotic extension)... also in LocalSettings.php
Hope it helps François
Hamza Hydri wrote:
I have a wiki running on Suse 9.2. the pages are working fine. but I am not able to upload any images or files to my server ... it always gives me this error.
The file you uploaded seems to be empty. This might be due to a typo in the file name. Please check whether you really want to upload this file.
although the files i am trying to upload a jpeg images of 100 kb etc.
can any one hint at what the error could be, any suggestions plz.