Hello Having been hit quite badly by a spammer (bot?) similar to what others are describing, I have tried to put some anti-spam measures in place, but I'm getting confused with the SpamBlacklist extension (using with mediawiki 1.5.0). I got the files from cvs and put them in extensions/SpamBlacklist/, then after having a tricky time getting the raw list from mediawiki (does it still need to use a cron to fetch this, the "load_lists" file did not seem to be in current cvs), I got the chonqued list as so:
wget -O chongqed_blacklist_raw 'http://blacklist.chongqed.org' cut -d? -f3 chongqed_blacklist_raw > chongqed_blacklist
I then added the include for SmapBlacklist in Localsettings.php:
require_once( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php" ); $wgSpamBlacklistFiles = array( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/wikimedia_blacklist", // Wikimedia "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/chongqed_blacklist"
// database title // "DB: wikidb My_spam_blacklist", );
wikimedia_blacklist is a zero size file.
Now when I try to edit a page, I can add a pattern from the chonqued_blacklist and still save the page with no warnings or blocks. Here is a section of the tail of chonqued_blacklist (I have prepended "1" onto all urls):
1zytemp.com.cn 1zzdh.com 1zzdx.com
This seems similar to the wikimedia format, but when I edit a page and add for example http://1zzdx.com, the page saves fine. Am I missing something? Thanks for any suggestions, H
This seems similar to the wikimedia format, but when I edit a page and add for example http://1zzdx.com, the page saves fine. Am I missing something?
SpamBlacklist does not work with 1.5 without modification. I've uploaded a patch to do so at the MW page:
On 11/8/05, Hamish lists@subvs.co.uk wrote:
Hello Having been hit quite badly by a spammer (bot?) similar to what others are describing, I have tried to put some anti-spam measures in place, but I'm getting confused with the SpamBlacklist extension (using with mediawiki 1.5.0). I got the files from cvs and put them in extensions/SpamBlacklist/, then after having a tricky time getting the raw list from mediawiki (does it still need to use a cron to fetch this, the "load_lists" file did not seem to be in current cvs), I got the chonqued list as so:
wget -O chongqed_blacklist_raw 'http://blacklist.chongqed.org' cut -d? -f3 chongqed_blacklist_raw > chongqed_blacklist
I then added the include for SmapBlacklist in Localsettings.php:
require_once( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php" ); $wgSpamBlacklistFiles = array( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/wikimedia_blacklist", // Wikimedia "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/chongqed_blacklist"
// database title // "DB: wikidb My_spam_blacklist", );
wikimedia_blacklist is a zero size file.
Now when I try to edit a page, I can add a pattern from the chonqued_blacklist and still save the page with no warnings or blocks. Here is a section of the tail of chonqued_blacklist (I have prepended "1" onto all urls):
1zytemp.com.cn 1zzdh.com 1zzdx.com
This seems similar to the wikimedia format, but when I edit a page and add for example http://1zzdx.com, the page saves fine. Am I missing something? Thanks for any suggestions,
There seems to be a bug in the spam blacklist extension which causes it (possible under certain unknown conditions) to only process items from the first file in a list of blacklist files.
There was some talk on wikizilla (or whatever it's really called) and I've seen this myself, but I've never been able to figure out what the problem is.
On Tuesday 08 November 2005 16:46, Rick DeNatale wrote:
On 11/8/05, Hamish lists@subvs.co.uk wrote:
Hello Having been hit quite badly by a spammer (bot?) similar to what others are describing, I have tried to put some anti-spam measures in place, but I'm getting confused with the SpamBlacklist extension (using with mediawiki 1.5.0). I got the files from cvs and put them in extensions/SpamBlacklist/, then after having a tricky time getting the raw list from mediawiki (does it still need to use a cron to fetch this, the "load_lists" file did not seem to be in current cvs), I got the chonqued list as so:
wget -O chongqed_blacklist_raw 'http://blacklist.chongqed.org' cut -d? -f3 chongqed_blacklist_raw > chongqed_blacklist
I then added the include for SmapBlacklist in Localsettings.php:
require_once( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php" ); $wgSpamBlacklistFiles = array( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/wikimedia_blacklist", // Wikimedia "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/chongqed_blacklist"
// database title // "DB: wikidb My_spam_blacklist", );
wikimedia_blacklist is a zero size file.
Now when I try to edit a page, I can add a pattern from the chonqued_blacklist and still save the page with no warnings or blocks. Here is a section of the tail of chonqued_blacklist (I have prepended "1" onto all urls):
1zytemp.com.cn 1zzdh.com 1zzdx.com
This seems similar to the wikimedia format, but when I edit a page and add for example http://1zzdx.com, the page saves fine. Am I missing something? Thanks for any suggestions,
There seems to be a bug in the spam blacklist extension which causes it (possible under certain unknown conditions) to only process items from the first file in a list of blacklist files.
There was some talk on wikizilla (or whatever it's really called) and I've seen this myself, but I've never been able to figure out what the problem is.
I tried to apply the patch with patch -p0 < patch, this was not successful, so I added/changed the lines manually, also managed to get the mediawiki raw list, but still the same, i can edit a page and add http://somespamsite.ru and it will allow it happily. Any other ideas? Thanks, H
On 11/8/05, Hamish lists@subvs.co.uk wrote:
On Tuesday 08 November 2005 16:46, Rick DeNatale wrote:
On 11/8/05, Hamish lists@subvs.co.uk wrote:
Hello Having been hit quite badly by a spammer (bot?) similar to what others are describing, I have tried to put some anti-spam measures in place, but I'm getting confused with the SpamBlacklist extension (using with mediawiki 1.5.0). I got the files from cvs and put them in extensions/SpamBlacklist/, then after having a tricky time getting the raw list from mediawiki (does it still need to use a cron to fetch this, the "load_lists" file did not seem to be in current cvs), I got the chonqued list as so:
wget -O chongqed_blacklist_raw 'http://blacklist.chongqed.org' cut -d? -f3 chongqed_blacklist_raw > chongqed_blacklist
I then added the include for SmapBlacklist in Localsettings.php:
require_once( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php" ); $wgSpamBlacklistFiles = array( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/wikimedia_blacklist", // Wikimedia "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/chongqed_blacklist"
// database title // "DB: wikidb My_spam_blacklist", );
wikimedia_blacklist is a zero size file.
Now when I try to edit a page, I can add a pattern from the chonqued_blacklist and still save the page with no warnings or blocks. Here is a section of the tail of chonqued_blacklist (I have prepended "1" onto all urls):
1zytemp.com.cn 1zzdh.com 1zzdx.com
This seems similar to the wikimedia format, but when I edit a page and add for example http://1zzdx.com, the page saves fine. Am I missing something? Thanks for any suggestions,
There seems to be a bug in the spam blacklist extension which causes it (possible under certain unknown conditions) to only process items from the first file in a list of blacklist files.
There was some talk on wikizilla (or whatever it's really called) and I've seen this myself, but I've never been able to figure out what the problem is.
I tried to apply the patch with patch -p0 < patch, this was not successful, so I added/changed the lines manually, also managed to get the mediawiki raw list, but still the same, i can edit a page and add http://somespamsite.ru and it will allow it happily. Any other ideas?
Try reversing the order of the blacklist files in LocalSettings.php and see if it makes a difference.
As I posted earlier, there seems to be a longstanding bug in the extension which seems to make it blind to items after the first file in the list.
I wish someone would figure out how to fix this.
-- Rick DeNatale
Visit the Project Mercury Wiki Site http://www.mercuryspacecraft.com/
An unpatched spamblacklist works fine for me
However, it only works with the mediawiki blacklist and no other list.
It required no special setup.
require_once( "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/SpamBlacklist.php" ); # # Only the wikimedia blacklist works. I have no idea why chongqed won't do anything.. $wgSpamBlacklistFiles = array( // "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/blacklist-local", // Our blacklist "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/blacklist-wikimedia", // Wikimedia's list // "$IP/extensions/SpamBlacklist/blacklist-chongqed", // chongqed's list // database title // "DB: tlugwiki My_spam_blacklist", // http://jrandomhacker.info/index.php?title=My_spam_blacklist&action=$ );
#!/bin/bash # update_blacklist # Updates the spam blacklists used by the SpamBlacklist extension for MediaWiki # http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/SpamBlacklist_extension
cd /opt/www.gtalug.org/htdocs/extensions/SpamBlacklist
echo " * updating from wikimedia.org's blacklist" wget -O $dir/blacklist-wikimedia 'http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spam_blacklist&action=raw'
echo " * updating from chongqed.org's blacklist" wget -O $dir/blacklist-chongqed.raw 'http://blacklist.chongqed.org' cut -d? -f3 $dir/blacklist-chongqed.raw > blacklist-chongqed rm $dir/blacklist-chongqed.raw