Hi all,
I hope that this is the right place to ask for help ^_^
I'm trying to script a little php code to add a new user to the wiki by php
I use something simlar to this:
$newuserarray=array(); $newuserarray[0]='pippo'; $newuserarray[1]='pass'; $newuserarray[2]='prova@mail.com'; $newuserarray[3]='truename';
$NextUser=User::newFromName( $newuserarray[0] );
$NextUser->setEmail( $newuserarray[2] ); $NextUser->setRealName( $newuserarray[3] ); $uid=$NextUser->idForName(); if ($uid===0) { $NextUser->addToDatabase(); $NextUser->setPassword( $newuserarray[1] ); $NextUser->saveSettings(); }
running it $NextUser is correctly created but the user is non in the MySQL table (user)
what I'm doing wrong ?