Dear listmembers, I've been using the mediawiki for a few months now and it's working pretty well. Now I would like to build a latex source file from several wikipages.
So I have several diffrent articles like ("tux" "linux" "gpl" "oml") and want to have them together in one latex and later one pdf file with graphics.
The pdf file should have a \tableofcontents Also I would like to autogenerate this often (to keep the manual up to date)
Does anyone have an good idea?
Greets, Joachim
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Vielen Dank, Joachim Schiele
Take a look at wiki2pdf:
Description from the Sourceforge page:
"A python script to convert multiple articles of Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) to a single LaTeX or PDF file suitable for offline reading."
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:43:51 +0200, Joachim Schiele js@dune2.de wrote:
Dear listmembers, I've been using the mediawiki for a few months now and it's working pretty well. Now I would like to build a latex source file from several wikipages.