Installing mediawiki went fine up to the point where it said:
"then follow this link to your wiki"
clicking on it (after having moved the config file) produces:
[pear_error: message="failed to open stream: Permission denied" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
I've seen it's listed as a bug before and reported on this list, but not with the way of solving it.
John Ingleby suggested: *************** The solution is to alter the file PHPTAL-NP-0.7.0/libs/PHPTAL.php and replace the line:
define('PHPTAL_DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR', '/tmp/');
to point to a new /tmp directory I made within the wiki's file tree.
At first it didn't work, until I remembered to make my local /tmp directory writeable... ***************
Well, 'my' line looked different, but I changed it anyway, looks now like this:
// define('PHPTAL_DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR', getenv("TMP") . "\"); define('PHPTAL_DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR', "/htdocs/content/tmp/");
I chmodded that directory 777
But still I get the same message...
I tried to give the full path name:
define('PHPTAL_DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR', "/dnshome/gran-canaria-info.com/htdocs/content/tmp/");
but that doesn't work neither (I know nothing of php)
Marko Faas once wrote, after having reported the same problem: ************* Now it works. All I did was to comment out the $wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook'; in LocalSettings.php. I found it odd that it was commented in the first place.
Maybe the default skin should be commented?
That and I put some texts here, were it wasn't before: $wgRightsText = "HERE"; But I doubt that was the reason. *************
That doesn't work neither.
What am I to do?
Thanks a lot for your time (spent on reading this).
Monday, August 2, 2004, 7:36:35 PM, you wrote:
LT> What am I to do?
looking further and further on the net I found this:
make the 'images' directory world writable.
That did the trick...
Thanks anyway.