[this is a re-post; don't think the original went out (we've been having mal probs.)]
This used to be working, but has broken recently, either though my moving the install around or through upgrading to 1.13.0.
I try to do an upload and I get:
Could not rename file "/tmp/phpVxOSnK" to "public/f/fd/Framework-SLOC-OOCalc.png".
I've ensured that 'images' and it's subdirs are all writeable by the server.
I've pinned this down to ./includes/filerepo/FSRepo.php line 338, but am struggling to diagnose any further (my PHP is limited). The following edit provides no clues:
$status->error( 'filerenameerror', $srcPath, '['.getcwd()."|$IP]".$dstPath );
As I get "[$IP|]public/f/fd/Framework-SLOC-OOCalc.png" in the target filename. Shouldn't getcwd() work? Shouldn't $IP evaluate?
Existing images do come up OK AFAICS.
Any ideas?
I also tried creating 'images/public', and symlinking images /to/ public, but to no avail.