I am trying to integrate Mediawiki 1.4.9 into an existing site, with one log-in for both, which I want to be the main-site log-in. The wiki is in a subdirectory of the main site.
What I have done so far to integrate the two:
As a query string, my main log-in sends the variables that SpecialUserLogin.php expects from its own form. (The POST requirement for processing in SpecialUserLogin.php has been disabled; the check for POST was already done in the main site log-in.);
I have added the handler $wgHooks['UserLoginComplete'][] = array('addtosessions', $loginreturnto) to add the necessary main site variables to the session. [Once I get it working, I'll come back to the case of an incomplete login.]
I have $wgUseMemCached = false; although I found that the session would not survive the first wiki page-change without my commenting out, in User.php, the code:
function SetupSession() ... /*if( $wgSessionsInMemcached ) { require_once( 'MemcachedSessions.php' ); } else */ ...
This works fine, as long as I stay in the wiki directory. However, whenever I leave the wiki directory to go back up to the main site or to look at edit help at the mediawiki site, and come back again, I have lost my wiki session. Is there a save routine and/or a session object that I cannot find, that needs modification?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you very much, Beryl Magilavy Avalon Internet email: bmagilavy@avalon-internet.com web: http://avalon-internet.com Telephone: +1 415-864-2089