We would like to transfer a big CMS-System to a brandnew Wiki-System. As everything was done with HTML we would love to get a good filter where we put HTML in and get Wiki-Syntax out - i know such filters exist for Word & Co....
Any ideas, links or hints?
Would be great.
Happy new Year, Martin
On 12/31/05, Martin Puaschitz funkfeuer@gmail.com wrote:
We would like to transfer a big CMS-System to a brandnew Wiki-System. As everything was done with HTML we would love to get a good filter where we put HTML in and get Wiki-Syntax out - i know such filters exist for Word & Co....
Any ideas, links or hints?
This comes to mind:
http://infpro.com/projekte/wordwiki/ Convert Word to wiki markup
Fortunately <b> <i> <u> work as-is in mediawiki, so I've been fortunate with my own cut-and-paste sessions. =)