I would like to enable Tex in order to display latex supported math functions on my mediawiki site. I have been searching the web for a full guide on how to install the components necessary for Tex but I have not found a clear guide and the instructions available at: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Enable_TeX are insufficient. Can someone please expand on this topic or point me to a starting direction. I appreciate your assistance in advance.
Payam Rashidi
On 19/05/05, Payam Rashidi prashid@uark.edu wrote:
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Enable_TeX are insufficient. Can someone please expand on this topic or point me to a starting direction. I appreciate your assistance in advance.
Well, I've had a look at the meta page you mention, but I couldn't think of many improvements to make, to be honest. Are there specific questions you want answered, or is just a case of not knowing where to start?