This is a request for feedback from people who are (or are going to) using the Maps extension with the OpenLayers service.
The next version of Maps will feature the awesome ability to define your own layers by putting stuff in LocalSettings, so you're not longer limited to the ones that are hardcoded in. On top of this I'd also like to review the layers that come with the extension as default. This are the services supported as layers ATM:
* Google Maps (streets, satellite, hybrid and terrain) * Yahoo! Maps (streets, satellite and hybrid) * Bing Maps (streets, satellite and hybrid) * OpenStreetMap (osmarender, mapnik, cycle map)
There are probably a lot of awesome tile sources out there that are useful to a lot of users but that are not in yet. So if anyone knows a data source that he/she would like to be able to use via Maps with OpenLayers, just give me a poke, and a lot of chance I'll put it in :)
Jeroen De Dauw
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