We are using MediaWiki 1.13.5 out of the box on Windows 2003 with PHP 5.2.3 and MySQL 4.1.14-nt.
We are getting this fatal error. Let me know if you have any suggestions or debugging tips for it.
[12-Mar-2009 10:44:34] PHP Notice: Constant MEDIAWIKI already defined in G:\wwwroot-wiki2\wedgetail\includes\WebStart.php on line 66
[12-Mar-2009 10:44:34] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wfprofilein() (previously declared in G:\wwwroot-wiki2\wedgetail\includes\ProfilerStub.php:18) in G:\wwwroot-wiki2\wedgetail\includes\ProfilerStub.php on line 24
THX ! Lori