Redundancy with Multiple Free Web Hosts
How to set up redundant databases for mediawiki on R1, R2, L1 and L2?
So far, I found following free database online:
-------------- Free Databases -------------- [R1] Allows Remote access; ocassional down time; unlikely to lose data allows cron jobs. [R2] Allows Remote access; ocassional down time; likely to lose data no cron jobs.
[L1] No remote access; ocassional down time; unlikely to lose data. No cron jobs. [L2] No remote access; ocassional down time; unlikely to lose data. no cron job. 10Mb database. [L3] No remote access; very likely to force payment. allow cron jobs.
[A2] Allow remote access; 5Mb; slow.
----------------------------- And free servers for scripts: ----------------------------- [Heroku] Allow remote access; 10k rows, only 15 concurrent connection; slow Can it do cron jobs? [openshift] free python hosting.
------------ Current Idea ------------ R1 and R2 can be master/slave databases. But then, what to do when R2 loses all data?
Can I setup multi-master on L1, with R1 also as a master? And do the same for L2?
Another thing is R1 and L1 can use postgres while R2 and L2 must be mySQL. Can I mix the different kinds of database?
R2 can only install mediawiki 1.16. Can I mix different versions of mediawiki?
Or, let the hamsters push the wheel? Like, everytime when a user click a link on L1, the wiki would have 1/10 of chance to compare its page with master's page, if a local table says that has not been done in 15 minutes?
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Thank you for help and advices.