Hello, Dear Colleagues!
I'm operating the Hebrew Jewish Geneanlogy Wiki (JGeneWiki), right now at: http://genewiki.golan-law.co.il
I'd like to change the name of the site (and, accordingly, the main namespace) to a Hebrew one, but writing that name as the value of $wgSitename (and $wgNamespace) in LocalSettings.php - does not work. The system does not recognize the name.
what should I do for changing the name of the whole system to a Hebrew one?
Yours, Arnon Hershkovitz, Israel
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On 14/05/07, arnonh@tapuz.co.il arnonh@tapuz.co.il wrote:
I'd like to change the name of the site (and, accordingly, the main namespace) to a Hebrew one, but writing that name as the value of $wgSitename (and $wgNamespace) in LocalSettings.php - does not work. The system does not recognize the name.
Be sure to set $wgSitename (and other configuration variables) *after* the line that references includes/DefaultSettings.php.
There is no $wgNamespace configuration variable. You want $wgMetaNamespace. Note that changing this name will cause existing links to the project namespace (using the old sitename) to break.
Rob Church