Hello, I want my wiki read a file (.po) and reckoning a string (msgid) puts the content after (between " ") in a non-editable part,and reckoning other string (msgstr) puts the content after (between " ") in an editable part.
I already modified the index.php to enter editing, but I want to present a s said. I thought first to modify Mediawiki database and add a new field similar to cur_text and put the two text in cur_text i cur_text2, but it wouldn't be too maintenable, and I suppose it would be better using the language, PHP.
As PHP is interpreted I suppose there's nothing similar to debugger (my experience is almost all with compiled ones). As I don't want to save the file content in the db, can I do using PHP to read a file, catch the parts required finding the labels, change them in the mediawiki main page and write them to an output? Or it's impossible and better go to modify bd?
Thanks in advance