I downloaded the latest code and tried to update my database but unfortunately I got an error that I could not resolve on my own.
What I did was: 1. install mediawiki to a new directory 2. Copy LocalSettings.php and AdminSettings.php from old wiki to new 3. Updated *.Settings.php (corrected paths and checked user names) 4. update.php
The database users I set in my settings files are root. Below is a copy of the output:
# php update.php Going to run database updates for wikidb Depending on the size of your database this may take a while! Abort with control-c in the next five seconds...0 ...hitcounter table already exists. ...querycache table already exists. ...objectcache table already exists. ...categorylinks table already exists. ...logging table already exists. ...validate table already exists. ...user_newtalk table already exists. ...transcache table already exists. ...trackbacks table already exists. Creating externallinks table...Query "CREATE TABLE `externallinks` ( el_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', el_to blob NOT NULL default '', el_index blob NOT NULL default '', KEY (el_from, el_to(40)), KEY (el_to(60), el_from), KEY (el_index(60)) ) ENGINE=InnoDB " failed with error code "Error writing file './wikidb/ externallinks.frm' (Errcode: 28) (localhost)".
Any ideas on what's going on? Is the error coming from the database? For the fun of it I ran "chmod 777 /var/db/mysql" and tried again and got the same error. Could I create the table by hand and run the updater again with out confusing it?
On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 09:34:36AM -0400, Thomas Cherry wrote:
" failed with error code "Error writing file './wikidb/ externallinks.frm' (Errcode: 28) (localhost)".
jama@topaz:~$ perror 28 OS error code 28: No space left on device