Hi all!
Now, I'm thinking of another custom tag, called ALTVIEW or ALTERNATIVE VIEWER. The idea is that data (text) in between this tag will be displayed using a user-specified viewer such as an applet or an entire application.
Is there a way to embed a custom tag within a custom tag in Wiki text? It's something like this:
=== Wiki Editor ========================================= Article: Country:United States
The past 43 presidents of the United States are: <altview viewer=htmlEnum> <xdata source=US_Presidents></xdata> </altview> =====================================================
NOTE: htmlEnum is a custom PHP function that accepts an array of strings, concatenates all array entries into one long string, separating each entry by a comma.
And the output should be:
=== Wiki View ========================================== The past 43 presidents of the United States are: George Washington, ..., Bill Clinton, and Al Gore. =====================================================
UNFORTUNATELY.... this is the output:
=== Wiki View ========================================== The past 43 presidents of the United States are: <altview viewer=htmlEnum> Array </altview>. =====================================================
For some reason, the array( "George Washington", ..., "Al Gore" ) is not being passed to the AltView extension function.
Any ideas on how to make this work?
I'm working on a Biology-related Wiki, and one of the things I want to do is this (second example):
=== Wiki Editor =========================================== Article: Protein:P52
The P52 protein has the following structure: <altview viewer=deepView> <xdata source=P52_Sequence></xdata> </altview>
More text here... blah... blah... ========================================================
And the output could be:
=== Wiki View ============================================= The P52 protein has the following structure:
===== deepView Version 2.0 (TM) ========== | | | 00000----0000----| | | | | | |---////// | | | | (some 3-D protein diagram) | | | | | ===================================
More text here... blah... blah...
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