I thought Magnus would also make write a message on this list, as he did yesterday on gmane.science.linguistics.wikipedia.technical ... but he didn't. I quote his mail:
************************ Magnus Manske wrote:
Here it is! The millionth pseudo-parser I wrote for wiki(p|m)edia! :-)
Written as a single class, it takes a MediaWiki-style markuped (is that a word?) source and generates the XML flavor Timwi and I have been using in all our unfinished projects! ;-)
Try it out at
Just paste a wiki source text in, and get the XML. As you will notice, it wasn't written for speed.
It is not a "real" parser, but the structure is simlar to what a parser generator would make, except taking a few shortcuts here and there.
This could be the heart of a *real* export function. Just write a XML-to-PDF generator (and replace the templates, and get rid of the categories and language links) and you're done! :-) *******************************
That was just to let you know of something I really like :D François