we use a mediawiki installation for internal use only with ldap authorization.
Recently I started receiving messages about the failed delivery of notifications about page changes to email addresses/users that no longer exist (alumni).
Is there a way to edit the list of watchers for a page and remove the email address? Or to clear the complete watchlist of a certain user (the ldap account no longer exists)?
I do not want to remove (e.g. with merge&delete) the user account, as we'd like to keep track of who originally created/edited page content, even if that person is no longer part of our staff.
Instlled versions: MediaWiki 1.19.8 PHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze17 (apache2handler) MySQL 5.1.66-0+squeeze1
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you and best regards, Elke Flehmig
---------------------------------------------------- Elke Flehmig flehmig@hlrs.de High Performance Computing ++49/711/685-62515 Center Stuttgart (HLRS) Fax: 685-87279 Nobelstr. 19, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
On Sep 18, 2013 4:12 AM, "Elke Flehmig" flehmig@hlrs.de wrote:
we use a mediawiki installation for internal use only with ldap
Recently I started receiving messages about the failed delivery of
notifications about page changes to email addresses/users that no longer exist (alumni).
Is there a way to edit the list of watchers for a page and remove the
email address?
Or to clear the complete watchlist of a certain user (the ldap account no
longer exists)?
I do not want to remove (e.g. with merge&delete) the user account, as
we'd like to keep track of who originally created/edited page content, even if that person is no longer part of our staff.
I would think keeping their watchlist intact may be useful should they ever return. I would either disable mail entirely for those users or disable watchlist notifs.
I don't know how offhand; maybe you'd have to use eval.php or maybe there's an existing maint script. Hopefully someone else will chime in.