A few days ago I posted a problem that my wiki had become unexpectedly unavailable (no Mainpage displayed). This seemed to be a PHP memory allocation problem, as two people suggested. When I set a generous limit in Localsettings.php
ini_set( 'memory_limit', '120M' );
the wiki reappeared. A day later, the same problem recurred and increasing the limit further didn't help. The main page sometimes displays as blank (on the first call) and sometimes returns the error message (on subsequent calls):
PHP Fatal error: Cannot access protected property DatabaseMysql::$mOut in /home/egnatoff/public_html/wiki/includes/Database.php on line 429
Versions MediaWiki 1.9.2 My service provider uses Linux, kernel 2.6.9-023stab040.1-enterprise Apache 1.3.37 (Unix) PHP 5.2.1 MySQL 5.0.24-standard (access to files through cPanels)
Does anyone have any further clues? Thank you.
Sincerely Bill Egnatoff
William J. Egnatoff egnatoff@kingston.net Kingston, Ontario, Canada 613 634-3341