Well, this got a big yawn last time I posted this, so I had to go digging. I did find out something further: SpecialPopularpages.php hard-codes for namespace 0.
I had to hack in the following to make it work for all namespaces. Sorry this isn't in the form of a diff. If this hasn't been done for 1.5, and the powers that be want it so, I'm willing to figure out enough about CVS to get it into 1.5, but I think I need some authorization, or at least a little hand-holding.
You can see this work at http://www.islandseeds.org/wiki/Special:Popularpages
-------- SpecialPopularpages.php, lines 40-53 --------
WHERE cur_is_redirect=0"; // WHERE cur_namespace=0 AND cur_is_redirect=0"; }
function formatResult( $skin, $result ) { global $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames;
$link = $skin->makeKnownLink( ($result->namespace ? ($wgCanonicalNamespaceNames[$result->namespace] . ':') : '') . $result->title, $wgContLang->convert( $result->title ) ); $nv = wfMsg( "nviews", $wgLang->formatNum( $result->value ) ); return "{$link} ({$nv})"; } }
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jan Steinman Jan@Bytesmiths.com Date: 14 April 2005 00:27:19 GMT-07:00
I took a static HTML page that had a CGI-based counter on it, and put it in MediaWiki. I then took the count that was on its CGI-based counter, and put that in the mw_cur.cur_counter field. Great! It shows up on that page with the proper count, and increments with each hit! http://www.IslandSeeds.org
However, this did not cause it to show up in Special:Popularpages. Is there someplace else that the count needs to be stuffed for it to be seen by Special:Popularpages?
:::: Nature must, in the not too distant future, institute bankruptcy proceedings against industrial civilization. -- William Catton :::: Jan Steinman http://www.Bytesmiths.com/Van