Hello all, I guess this is a SMW and a general MW question. I was looking at the page: Extension:Semantic Result Formats/calendar format and it gave at the bottom a link here: http://discoursedb.org/wiki/Opinion_calendar Looking at the source of the page made me feel like something was seriously missing and I had no idea how the calendar is appearing. Does this rely on a different 3rd party extension? Speaking of calendars, this is the best calendar I found: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Calendar_(Kenyu73) Unfortunately the page says the creator is moving away from that. Ok, so I clicked on the new replacement for this and it is warning me it is in beta and not ready. So, what is the best choice for a nice calendar on a site that would allow users to enter information easily. I mean is there a learning curve for people to use this Calendar? If you had users that were somewhat or quite self-declared non-tech savvy, what would you do? Thanks, in advance, for the advice, Bruce