Need to know if there is a way or a tool that will allow MediaWiki users to access the wiki AS IF they were in the past. For example, I would like to filter my wiki to appear as it did (with all the links and images intact) on July 5, 2006, for example.
Perhaps another term for this feature or filter is *rollback.* I would like to rollback the wiki to July 5, 2006, on a user-by-user basis. I'm thinking this would be a filter option or some other feature.
The only way now that we have managed to approximate this ability is to archive the wiki, take a static picture of it as it exists on a certain date and then link to it. The user then navigates within that wiki *universe* without connecting or linking to the current wiki.
The purpose of our wiki is to provide current information on our current products. However, we must support earlier versions of our products. The current or live wiki always has current information about our most recent product versions. Because of the dynamic, internal links within a wiki page, it seems a user can get easily mislead while researching a solution to an earlier version and end up on a current version page.
We figured a filter-by-date option or rollback feature would be the best solution, if it exists. Does anyone know? If no filter or rollback option is available, is the idea of *archiving* our wiki, freezing it on a certain date and moving on from there, the only solution?
We are using MediaWiki v1.5.5.
madea madea@mmsi.comm